President’s Message
by Candy Hansen
September already, and the weather so far has been wonderful. Trees are experiencing
their fall growth, which is not as aggressive as the spring time, but almost.
Continue to watch for any insect or fungus problems so your trees can go into
winter healthy and strong.
Our September meeting is an interesting one for the "Stars" and
for all observers. Members who have been active for one year are rewarded with
their own special workshop which we refer to as the 'Yearling Workshop'. Each
of the new members is teamed up with a more experienced member to style their
very own tree. Joe Wait is in charge this year, and he showed us the trees at
the August meeting. All I can say is WOW, and be prepared to work busily during
the time allowed! Other members can watch some videos, including a short one
of our May show, or watch the workshop.
Our Convention is fast approaching, and other places in the newsletter will
have special requests and information for you.
Also approaching is the announcement of our next year's officers. Help the nominating
committee, and say yes if you think you can serve. Only by getting involved
on the level that is a good fit for you will you benefit in like amount for
your investment of time.
See you all at the meeting.
Calendar of Events
Oct. 9 Monthly Meeting
Yearling workshop w/Joe Wait
Suiseki Display plus more (see pg. 5)
Refreshments by:
Rita Matthews
David Gordon
Oct. 16 Board Meeting
7:00 PM
Zilker Garden Center
Oct. 23 Members Workshop
7:30 PM
Zilker Garden Center
Thinning & Evaluating Black Pines with Mike Hansen
Oct. 4-6 Int’l Stone Appreciation Sympo.
Harrisburg/Hershey, Pa.
Oct. 9 Winterizing with Vito Megna
Oct. 12 LSBF meeting/Zilker Garden Ctr.
Oct.12 & 13 Houston Bonsai Society Fall Show
Houston Garden Ctr Hermann Park
Oct. 17-20 Golden State Bonsai Federation
Sacramento, Ca.
Nov 15-17 State Bonsai Convention
New Braunfels, Tx.
General Meeting Minutes
David Gordon
The September meeting of the Austin Bonsai Society was called to order at
7:30 P.M. On September 11, 2002, by President Candy Hansen.
New members and guest were introduced.
The minutes from the previous meeting were accepted as written in the newsletter.
President Candy announced the nominating committee for officers for next year.
The committee will be Del DeLos Santos, Carl Quisenberry and Connie King.
Charles Dominey brought a ficus for the formal display.
Gloria Norberg spoke on the raffle for the LSBF convention.
Joe Wait spoke on the program for next month which will be our new members
Chuck spoke briefly on the upcoming LSBF convention.
The program for the evening was the annual auction which was directed by James
Allan, Glenda Konopka and Chuck Ware.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Board Meeting Minutes
David Gordon
The September Board meeting of the Austin Bonsai Society was called to order
at 7:15 P.M. on September 18, 2002, by President Candy Hansen.
Members present were Candy Hansen, Gloria Norberg, Pat Ware, Tammy Bieri, David
Gordon, Carl Quisenberry, Jim Baumann and Chuck Ware.
The minutes from the previous board meeting were approved as written in the
The treasurer's report was given by Pat Ware.
There was no old business discussed.
New Business
The October program, our new members meeting by Joe Wait, was discussed.
Marc Noelander will be at our November meeting, so it was discussed that we
might see if he would be willing to give a talk to the club. He will be coming
for the LSBF convention, and will be arriving in Austin earlier that day. Pat
Ware will contact him, and see if something can be arranged. Vito Megna is scheduled
to speak on winterizing.
The proposed budget for 2003 will be completed and discussed at the next board
meeting. Members are encouraged to contact a board member with their requests
for programs, etc., that we can put into the budget.
The annual auction was discussed. The auction was successful this year. President
Candy mentioned that in previous clubs she has belonged to they give a percentage
of the sale price to the person bringing the item. This improves the quality
of the items brought to the auction and helps increase the amount brought in
by the auction. Options were discussed by the board for possibly trying this
approach for our next auction.
The Christmas Party, which is the first Saturday in December, Will be at Elaine's
house. Pat mentioned that she has reserved the Garden Center for that first
Saturday in December for future years.
The Garden Center is reinstating the Yule Fest. We will donate $50 for cookies
for the Fest. Motion was made by Gloria, seconded by Pat and approved by the
Chuck discussed preparation for the LSBF convention in November.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Pot Competition Winners
The final judging of the Second North American Bonsai Pot Competition took
place on Wednesday, May 15, 2002.
The reason this is being mentioned is that Michael Hagedorn won third place
in the traditional category and second place in the non-traditional category.
This not to ignore the first and second place winners BUT Michael will be at
the State Bonsai Convention in New Braunfels. This is your chance to buy something
from this well known potter AND congratulate him on his placements.
I have learned that success is to be measured
not so much by the position
that one has reached in life
as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.
Booker T. Washington
Tammy Bieri
Donna Dobberfuhl
Charles Dominey
Stephen & Joann Hall
Mack Robertson
Eileen & Bill Urschel
If you haven’t been contacted by Joe Wait as yet, please call him at
312-1614 and tell him you will be at the FREE workshop at the October meeting.
This is the club’s way of saying “thank you” for continuing
to be a member of our society.
Tree Trivia
Experts say there are about 200,000 leaves on the average 100 foot tree. This
so-called average tree might take as much as 11,000 gallons of water from the
soil! A tree such as this in the prime of summer, when all the leaves are on
the tree, has the ability to provide much cooling. In fact, it is estimated
that a 100 foot tree can use the water it takes from the ground and provide
as much cooling as an air conditioner would for a twelve room house.
September Austin Area Garden Council Meeting
Charlotte Cranberg
Send me your volunteers hours if you forget to bring them to the meetings or
e-mail me at
I need to start entering hours with each individual's name because there will
be an award for the volunteer of the year. Please keep track of the hours you
put in preparing for, traveling to and working at the convention in November
if it has anything to do with the public aspect of the convention such as the
bonsai display and greeting the public during the open house.
This is important. The city considers this information when deciding on support
for us. If you have ever tried to find a good meeting place or show room you
know how lucky we are to have the Garden Center. And of course we want to encourage
horticultural pursuits in the community. Our only cost is three dollars a year
from each member and we use the center 3 nights a month plus a show weekend
each year. We are probably the heaviest user so we really need to support the
Garden Center with volunteer hours. If you wish to volunteer in any way either
in the gardens or store or education please call me. Staff has been cut back
critically so perhaps a group of us could get together to water or weed.
Yule Fest will be held December 13,14 and 15 from 6pm to 9pm. If you are interested
in making crafts or cookies to sell let me know. We will ask for cookie donations
in December. We will be decorating a small tree for the society. See Pat Ware
if interested in helping.
Program Note!
Come see the diaz that our members made for their Suiseki at the August joint
meeting plus we are asking ALL members to bring a Suiseki so we can have a nice
display plus we will have a couple of the tapes from our Special Viewing Program
Only section - come see these fabulous and informative tapes.
We are coming “down to the wire” as far as the Convention is concerned.
We need everyone to volunteer at least 2 hours in some form on that weekend.
Pat Ware has a sign up sheet and there are a variety of things you can do -
pick what pleases you. Remember everyone must be registered whether it be a
full registration (please submit before October 1st as the price goes up to
$85.00 after that date) or a daily registration of $20.00 and no meals. You
get a lot for your money - full access to the whole Convention and marvelous
teachers to give you new ideas, wonderful exhibit, a lot of new vendors and
lots of raffles so you can come home with just what you need. And all this is
less than going to a Theme Park and getting hot and dirty.
Kato Stroll Garden Dedicated
A naming ceremony on May 17, 2002 formally dedicated to the family of Saburo
Kato the Japanese Stroll Garden at the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum,
and will now be known as the Kato Stroll Garden.
Saburo Kato, the third generation owner of the famous Mansei-en bonsai nursery
in Oniya, Japan is world renowned, not only as a bonsai master but also as an
ambassador for the power of bonsai to act as a transforming agent on behalf
of international peace. In this role he was the founder of the World Bonsai
Friendship Federation and until 2001 served a Chairman of that organization.
The ties forged with the American bonsai community through the original gift
of bonsai to the Museum and the five generational contributions of the Kato
family to horticulture and bonsai in Japan, made the dedication of the Stroll
Garden in honor of the Kato family, a most fitting gesture.
So, through the work of Saburo Kato, the bonds between the people of Japan
and the American people are once again renewed and strengthened with this naming
(taken in part from NBF Bulletin, vol. xiii, no.1)
October Study Group
Mike says:
Any one who is interested in the pine series should come to the meeting. If
they have pine trees they have been working on, please bring them to evaluate
and share what you have done. Questions are welcome, and as many as come, the
more everyone can learn!!
Do You Belong?
Are you an active member, the kind that would be missed?
Or are you just content that your name is on the list?
Do you attend the meetings and mingle with the flock?
Or do you meet in private to criticize and knock?
Do you take an active part to help the work along?
Do you work on committees? To this there is no trick.
Or leave the work to just a few, and talk about the “clique”?
So come to the meetings often, help with heart and hand.
And don’t be just a member, but take an active part.
Think this over, members, you know what’s right and wrong.
Are you an active member, or do you just belong?
Reprinted from Corpus Christi Newsletter, June, 1995
Jack E. Billet
This type of tree is more of a feeling than a style. Most of the other styles,
or even no style at all, can be used for Bunjin. It often deviates from the
accepted guidelines. It must, however, have a sense of bonsai correctness and
nature’s logic. It must also have a feeling of elegance and simplicity.
- Roots: Surface roots are desirable but not as important as in the other
- Trunk: Usually tall and slender with little or no taper. Can be straight,
curved, extremely curved and have dead wood.
- Bark: Aged flaky appearance is desirable. If it is smooth, it shouldn’t
have large scars.
- Branches: Relatively sparse and few, usually only at the top of the tree.
They can cross the trunk and other branches. They may have jin or shari. They
usually have a light airy feeling.
- Apex: Can be living, dead or a strong bend in the trunk.
- Foliage: Should be very small an sparse or compact and clustered. Conifers
are most often the material of choice.
- Containers: Unglazed, shallow, informal, irregular, round or free formed
pots are generally used. Stone slabs are another choice.
Growing Techniques:
- Light: Full sun helps keep foliage small and compact.
- Water: Use sparingly to promote minimal growth.
- Fertilizer: Use only enough to keep tree healthy. Generally low in nitrogen.
- Container: Keep small to limit growth and encourage small foliage and short
- Potting mix: Should be coarse and fast draining.
Reprinted with author’s permission
November 15, 16, 17, 2002
Put this date on your calendar and circle it!
Plan your vacation at that time!
Austin and San Antonio are combining with LSBF to have the State
Convention at that time. It will be held at the Civic Center in
New Braunfels. All members in BOTH clubs will be working with
each other to make this a success. Everyone is excited about this
new concept initiated at this Convention.
Offer your help and support!!!!!!
A Convenient Time Chart is Available for you to Choose your