Austin Bonsai Society

November 2001

President's Message 

by Candy Hansen

Plans are afoot for our 30th Anniversary Party, to be celebrated at our December Holiday meeting/party. Keep watching and listening at the meeting for more information. 

Our November meeting should be a lot of fun for everyone - not just the new people eligible for the workshop, but for those who help, and for those who watch. Jimbo will also have a video for those who may wish to watch it. 

Also at our November meeting we will need to vote on the club budget for 2002. Pat Ware will have copies of the board's proposed budget for you to study at the meeting. Try to get there a bit early to pick up a copy and look it over before voting on it. 

I'm enjoying the glorious change in our weather. I do believe the trees are quite happy, too. Happy Fall bonsai duties! 

See you at the meeting,

Calendar of Events

Nov. 14 Monthly Meeting 
Yearling Workshop Plus a Video Lesson 
7:30 PM Zilker Garden Center 
Refreshments by: Gloria Norberg Candy Hansen

Nov. 21 Board Meeting 
7:00 PM Zilker Garden Center

Nov. 28 NO Members Workshop

Nov. 2-5 Golden State Bonsai Fed. Woodland Hills, Ca. 

Nov. 23-26 6th Asia Pacific Bonsai & Suiseki Convention Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 


Mar 2 The Joy of Bonsai Bath, United Kingdom 

Mar 21-24 California Bonsai Soc. Burbank, Ca. 

May 17-19 Annual Austin Bon. Soc. Show 

Nov 15-17 State Bonsai Convention New Braunfels, Tx.

General Meeting Minutes

by David Gordon 

The October 2001 Monthly Meeting of the Austin Bonsai Society was called to order by President Candy Hansen on October 13, 2001, at 6:30 P.M. The meeting was held on a Saturday because of a workshop and lecture demo that was presented. 

The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written in the newsletter sent to members. New members and guests were introduced. It was noted that the tree and accent for the formal display was provided by Joe Wait. 

Sheila Ward, Chairperson of the election committee for new officers, announced that a slate of officers has been prepared. The slate of officers are: Candy Hansen, President; Gloria Norberg, Vice President; David Gordon, Secretary; Pat Ware, Treasurer; Jim Baumann, Member at Large; Tammy Bieri, Member at Large; Carl Quisenberry, Member at Large. The slate of officers will be presented at the November meeting for voting by the membership. 

Gloria Norberg announced our speaker for the evening, Yvonne Padilla. Yvonne presented a lecture/demo on Saikei. She created a beautiful saikei using fukien tea which was raffled and won by Jim Baumann. 

The meeting was adjourned by President Candy at 9:00 P.M.

ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS There will be a new "wrinkle" to our meetings. Please bring a tree that you may have a question on and would like someone to give you an answer between 7:00 and 7:30 PM. Whether you want help with a styling problem or an insect problem - whatever you want help with!

Bonsai - Psychology of Growing 

by Marty Klajnowski 

Practice psychology on both yourself and your bonsai trees. When you enter your bonsai area, the sight should be a delight to the senses. If you see well-groomed plants grown to perfection, you are more inclined to take good care of them. If you see a mess, it is easy to become discouraged and negative. 

Everyone of us is a goodwill ambassador for bonsai trees and each visitor is a potential convert. Show them clean foliage free of pests, fresh blossoms, clean containers and well trained trees in some semblance of order and you will hear gasps of amazement. Show them untidy branches, a hodge-podge of cuttings, stragglies and growing paraphernalia and the bonsai trees will take a step backward. 

Talk to your plants; you don't have to admit that you do. There will always be the non-believers who will think you are a candidate for the funny farm. Do I personally think plants respond to verbal communication= Of course, I do. Some plants are like some people, with the right direction, they give an outstanding performance. But you do have to admire them, applaud them, tell them they are beautiful and that they can do better if they try. 

You will also need to talk ABOUT your plants. There is a definite psychological advantage in belonging to a bonsai society/group. Just try to talk about your trees with a non-grower. Their eyes will glaze over and roll back in their head. We are surrounded by infidels and so we seek relief by joining horticultural friends in bonsai societies. There, we can find a room full of people who understand essentially how we feel when we get ecstatic over a new specimen or style. 

Keep your bonsai trees "psyched up" and you will have taken the first step toward growing healthy, lovely trees to be enjoyed and shown. Add yours to those on exhibit in local club and LSBF shows for the other club members and the public to view. 

Reprinted from Texas Bonsai, Summer 1991

Board Meeting Minutes 

by David Gordon 

The regular board meeting for October 2001 was called to order by President Candy Hansen at 7:30 P.M. on October 17, 2001. We did not have access to the Garden Center, so the meeting was held outside. 

Gloria Norberg announced that the study group meeting for October will be guided by Mike Hansen. A discussion was held on how we can encourage more members to attend the monthly study group meetings. Alternatives were discussed and it was decided that next year we will have a more structured format. Artists from the club will be asked to present certain topics that will last for a three month period. The free workshop for new members in November was also discussed. 

Due to darkness, it was decided to continue our meeting on November 5, 2001. Also, the treasurer, Pat Ware was not able to attend this meeting and the budget was one item that was to be discussed. This will be done on November 5, 2001. To be continued . . . . .


Wiring is generally part of the bonsai styling process. Here are some frequently asked questions.

What is the actual purpose of wire on a bonsai?

Wire is used to bend and shape trunks and branches into desired positions. Wire alters the original shape of a plant and by so doing creates the appearance of a small tree.

How long should the wire stay on?

Wire is NOT permanent. It is a temporary measure, much like braces on a child's teeth. When the branch (or trunk) holds the shape, the wire is removed The length of time this takes will depend on many factors. What kind of tree is it? How fast does it grow? Is it the growing season? Zone you are in? Wire left on a bonsai will disfigure it.

How can you tell if it's time to remove the wire?

Usually by the time wire has repositioned a branch, the wire is pressing into the bark. You can see it getting tight. Remove the wire at this time, before it cuts in. If the branch returns to its original position, re-wire the branch and start again.

Is there some magic in copper wire?

Copper wire was used originally because the color blended with trees and it was strong enough to bend them into shapes. Today many have switched to copper colored aluminum wire. It can be reused and never needs annealing. Although aluminum is not as strong as copper, a thicker size may be used to do the same job.

Is wire necessary to create a bonsai?

No. Many people use a "clip-and-grow" method. However, it would be difficult to create a well styled bonsai without at lest some wire for refinement.

How do you determine which size wire needed?

Take the end of a length of wire and press it against the branch to be bent. If the wire bends, go to the next size. If the branch bends, that size should work.

Are there substitutes for wiring?

Branches can be tied down with string, sandwiched between wire mesh, have weights hung on them and other seemingly strange techniques. It depends on the stylist and the individual tree.

Reprinted in part from Bonsai Business, December 1995, no longer in publication.

State Convention 2002 

Anyone interested in helping, please attend the meeting on Friday, November 16, 200l at 7:00 PM. The third full convention committee meeting will be at the Hays County Extension Office in San Marcos, just off Interstate 35. This is a finalization meeting to tie up loose ends so that the registration packets will be ready to go out.

 Directions to Meeting: 
Take IH 35 to Exit 201 - McCarty Lane. 
From Austin, go to underpass and left onto Northbound access road. 
From the stop sign at that underpass, go 7/10ths of a mile to Clovis Barker (there is a GMC car dealer on the corner), turn right onto Clovis Barker. 
At 2/10th of a mile there is a road on the left, PASS IT, and go another 2/10ths of a mile to the next road on the left (Civic Center Loop). 
The extension office is on the corner on the left - THE ONLY BUILDING THERE. 
You can't miss it!

Museum to Host World Bonsai Friendship Federation Convention in 2005

On June 3, 2001 at the WBFF World Bonsai Convention in Munich, Germany received and accepted the proposal from the North American Bonsai Federation on behalf of the National Bonsai Federation, the Potomac Bonsai Association and the U.S. National Arboretum to hold the next WBFF Quadrennial World Bonsai Convention in Washington, DC, during the year 2005. 

The theme of the 2005 Convention will be: "The world of Bonsai: Bringing Countries Together through the Art of Bonsai." It will feature all the major regions of the world with a special effort made to attract registrations from countries where bonsai is still an evolving art. 

The purpose of WBFF is to strengthen international friendship through sharing the art of bonsai. Previous WBFF conventions have been held in Omiya, Japan (1989), Orlando, Florida (1993), Seoul, Korea (1997), and, of courses, Munich, Germany (2001).

Museum Acquisitions 

In May of 1999, the late Japanese Prime Minister Obuchi traveled to the United States to meet with President Clinton. In honor of the visit, Mr. Obuchi presented President and Mrs. Clinton with seven bonsai specimens. The gift included two mame maples, on Acer palmatum, one Acer buergerianum as well as a juniper, a pine and a zelkova. Since U.S. regulations require that all maples entering the country from Japan must be tested for viruses over two consecutive growing seasons, the four maples have been in quarantine for almost two years. 

It is with great pleasure that the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum received all four maple specimens in April 2001 when the plants were released from quarantine with a clean bill of health. Now all seven bonsai gifts are on view for visitors in the Japanese Pavilion.

Minutes of the Meeting of Oct. 23, 2001 
Austin Area Garden Center, Austin, Texas

The Vice-President Suzanne Scott called the meeting to order at 12:50PM. 

Chuck Ware moved that the minutes be accepted as presented. Yvonne Padilla seconded. Motion passed. 

Pat Ware distributed the Treasurers Report. Pat noted that the Texas Bonsai archive CD income was $537.50 and expenses were $295.09. 

Pat Ware stated that the Bonsai Club International has offered a discounted rate of $98 for three years versus the annual rate of $36. Pat said LSBF has purchased the magazine for several years to support the BCI. The twelve issues are donated by LSBF to the State Convention raffle. Yvonne Padilla moved we purchase the discounted three-year subscription. Donna Dobberfuhl seconded. Motion carried. 

Pat Ware stated that Louisiana is considering the formation of a Federation and requested a copy of our state by-laws. Pat sent a copy. 

Pat Ware said Hal Mahoney ticket changes cost an extra $100 that Hal offered to pay. Kathleen Williamson moved that we do not have Hal reimburse the $100. John Miller seconded. Motion passed. 

Chuck Ware suggested that the Texas Tour funds for Hal Mahoney be used in some way to assist the clubs. Terry Ward suggested the funds be used for convention registrations. John Miller made a motion to provide one full registration for each member club including Shohin for the 2002 convention. Chuck Seconded. Motion carried. 

Chuck Ware distributed a draft itinerary for Mary Miller's Texas Tour for June. Chuck asked for quick feedback from the clubs. Chuck stated an individual asked if Mary could be scheduled to provide an individual workshops during her tour. Discussion regarding contract obligations and risk of liability were discussed. Chuck Ware made a motion that LSBF not participate in arranging individual workshops with the touring speakers. Yvonne Padilla seconded. Motion carried. 

Chuck Ware reported that Mary Miller's fees would be $250 for the first session and $225 for the second session. The LSBF reimbursement schedule is $150 for the first session and $100 for the 2nd session. 

Howard Smith distributed the 2001 Convention reports. 

Chuck Ware distributed a draft copy of the 2002 Convention registration forms. Chuck said the prices are fairly accurate and official registration can begin after January 1st. Chuck will tour the state in early spring to show the trees that will be included in the workshops. 

Yvonne Padilla reported the progress made to organize the 2003 Symposium. The date has been set for July 11-13th. The location is the Omni Austin Hotel Southpark. 

The committee chairs are as follows: 

  • Yvonne Padilla = Chairman 
  • Buddy Allen = Workshops / Educational Programs 
  • Suzanne Scott = Registration 
  • Yvonne Padilla = Guest Artist 
  • Steve Hendrix = Treasurer 
  • Pat Ware = Raffle 
  • Butch Wilkinson = Vendors 
  • Sylvia & Howard Smith = Publicity 
  • Alisan Clarke = Logo Pins 
  • Libby Hoffman = Goodie Bags 
  • John Pitenger & John Miller = Exhibit 
  • Elaine White = Table Favors 
  • Bob Swindle = Artist Hospitality 

Yvonne emphasized that this is the first time LSBF sponsored the state event. 

Pat Ware registered a formal protest that the LSBF treasurer should be the treasurer for the 2003 Symposium. 

Yvonne Padilla distributed a copy of the motions made for all the past LSBF meetings. Yvonne recommended that motions be stated as motions in the minutes and that they be repeated for group understanding. Yvonne recommended that the motions for each year be added to the list that was distributed. 

John Miller reported that he continues the search for liability insurance for LSBF functions. Golden State has a policy that costs $98/year plus $20 per event to provide protection for event sponsoring club. John will report the results of his search in the January meeting.

Suzanne Scott reported that Bryan, Texas LSBF Minutes cont. wants to start a Bonsai club. A Mr. Mark Spheres has requested information about how to start a club. LSBF has on page 22 of the by-laws information regarding requirements for new clubs. It was recommended that Buddy Allen follow-up with Mr. Spheres. 

Yvonne Padilla presented for Bob Swindle the proposed slate of officers for 2002 - 2003 as follows: 

  • Chuck Ware = President 
  • Suzanne Scott = Vice President 
  • Pat Ware = Treasurer 
  • Todd Davis = Secretary 

Kathleen Williamson made a motion to elect the slate of officers as presented. Howard Smith seconded. Motion passed. Terry Ward distributed the budget report for 2001 and budget request for 2002. 

Terry reported printing expenses of $833.38 plus $346.44 for archive CD preparations. Income of $218 came from five advertisement and eight subscriptions and the CD sales were $575. Terry stated the initial 46 CD's were sold and an additional 26 more have been prepared for sale. John Miller made a motion that the delegates are allowed to take up to four of the CD's to their club meetings to sell for LSBF. Kathleen seconded. Motion carried. Terry recommended a budget of $1030 be approved for the Teas Bonsai for 2002. John Miller made the motion to approve the recommended budget. Donna Dobberfuhl seconded. Motion carried. 

Chuck Ware asked for a volunteer to take over the arrangements for the Texas Tour in 2003. Kathleen Williamson volunteered. Chuck Ware made a motion to adjourn. Dennis Corley seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 2:20pm. Todd Davis Secretary

Experience is the Best Teacher, 
Whenever possible let it be 
someone else's experience.