President’s Message
Candy Hansen
It is almost March by the calendar (where did February
go?) and outdoor work began for real in our yard. The
weather was so nice the entire weekend was spent outside,
doing some big yard work and some work in the bonsai
Out Spring activities for our Bonsai Club also begin in
earnest with our March meeting. Mr. Susumu Nakamura from
Yokohama, Japan will be our guest presenter this month.
There will be time for several fortunate people to have
this teacher discuss a favorite, or problem tree's
styling. See Pg. 7 for info on how to be one of them.
The Board would like to remind you to bring trees in to
the meeting every month to share, as in show and tell,
because they are interesting, doing their unique thing
like blooming, or just because. We all like to see what
everyone else is doing.
March brings the start of show season this year, too,
with the LSBF Show in Dallas. I hope to see many of you
there. It is a good way to have a large dose of bonsai,
meet many people from all around the state, and learn
some new approaches to your own trees.
See you at the meeting - Happy potting!!
Calendar of Events
Mar. 10 Crash Course at Persimmon Hill
9:30 AM (See previous newsletters)
Mar. 14 Monthly Meeting
A Master’s Touch
Mr. Susumu Nakamura
7:30 PM
Zilker Garden Center
Refreshments by:
Glenda Konopka
Terry & Sheila Ward
Mar. 21 Board Meeting
7:00 PM
Zilker Garden Center
Mar. 28 Members workshop
See previous newsletters for info
7:30 PM
Zilker Garden Center
March 23-25 LSBF in Dallas
Mar. 3l - Apr. 1 Zilker Garden Festival
April 12-15 ABS in New Orleans
April 27-29 25th Anniversary
Nat’l Bonsai/Penjing Museum
Washington, DC
May 12-13 San Antonio’s Annual Show
Auld House@Botanical Gard.
May 19-20 Austin’s Annual Show
May 25-28 Bonsai Societies of Florida
May 31-June 4 4th World Conv.
General Meeting Minutes
by David Gordon
The February 2001 meeting of the Austin Bonsai Society was
called to order at 7:30 PM. by president Candy Hansen.
New members Wayne Mueller, Angela DeNeen and Mack
Robertson were introduced a motion that the minutes for
the January meeting be approved as read in the newsletter
was seconded and approved by the members.
The treasurer's report was given by Pat Ware. Membership
dues are due now in order to have you name in the
directory. A motion to accept the treasurer's report was
approved by those in attendance.
Old Business:
Pat Ware requested that if anyone is not getting the
newsletter, please contact her. The club dig originally
scheduled for February 18, 2001, has been changed to
February 24, 2001.
Chuck Ware made a brief presentation about the upcoming
LSBF convention.
Pat Ware announced that Dr. William Welch, a well known
botanist and excellent speaker, will be speaking at the
Garden Center at 7:00 PM. on February 27, 2001. The title
of his speech is "Growing Cut Flowers in Your Garden."
Elaine White mentioned that Don Freeman of the Garden
Council is very pleased with the way the permanent
collection is coming along. The Council is looking
forward to this addition to the gardens.
Pat Ware mentioned that volunteers are needed for the
Garden Festival. Be sure to report hours to Don Rehberg.
President Candy asked for volunteers to help clear the
area for the permanent collection. This will be on
Monday, October 19, 2001.
President Candy asked for a volunteer for the Texas Star
Demonstration at the LSBF convention. There were no
volunteers so someone will be appointed.
Volunteers are needed for refreshments at the meetings.
Four spots are open. Call Pat Ware.
New Business:
The Austin Bonsai Society Board meets on Wednesday,
February 21, 2001.
Program Chairman Gloria Norberg discussed the program for
March. Susumu Nakamura from Japan will be here. He will
critique trees that members bring. Contact Gloria if you
would like his expert advice on your tree. A $15. fee
will be charged by the club to help with expenses. This
is a bargain considering that Mr. Nakamura is a renowned
bonsai artist and teacher. This is a rare opportunity to
have a world class instructor help make suggestions on
how you can improve your tree.
Dr. Bill Cody presented an excellent program on roots.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.
Susumu Nakamura
Mike Hansen
For over 25 years, Mr. Susumu Nakamura has been a legend
among bonsai hobbyist in the United States, Canada,
Australia, Europe, India and well as Japan. Several years
ago while attending a bonsai show in Chicago, we had the
honor to meet this delightful man. His rare and reverent
perspective of life, nature and bonsai left an impression
that we shall not forget. A friendship was born that
weekend which continues to grow to this day.
Mr. Nakamura was introduced to Texas at the Texas State
Bonsai Convention, in 1991, which was hosted by the
Austin Bonsai Society. During that event, Mr. Nakamura
quite simply fell in love with Texas and Texans and vice
versa; and he has returned to teach in Texas every year
since them.
For those of you who have not met Mr. Nakamura, he is the
Director of Education for the Nippon Bonsai Association,
and he is the long time chairman of the NBA’s
Kokufu Bonsai Exhibition which is held at the Tokyo
Museum of Art in February each year. In addition to his
involvement with the Nippon Bonsai Association, Mr..
Nakamura is past Director of Bonsai Clubs International
and was featured at the BCI 2000 Convention in Hawaii. He
will conduct a forest-style bonsai demonstration on
Sunday, April 29, 2001 as part of the 25th Anniversary of
the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum in Washington, DC.
He is founder and proprietor of the Shonan Garden Center
which is a bonsai nursery and studio that he operates
along with his youngest son Makoto at their home in
Yokohama, Japan.
Mr. Nakamura is in great demand as a teacher in Japan and
around the world. We have found him to be an
extraordinary teacher. This will be a rare opportunity to
study with an world class bonsai instructor, so
don’t miss it.
Board Meeting Minutes
David Gordon
The February Board meeting of the Austin Bonsai Society was
held on February 21, 2001. President Candy Hansen presided.
Members in attendance were Els Ulg, Jim Baumann, Gloria Norberg, Pat Ware, Mike Swenson and David Gordon. Past
president Alisan Clarke and Chuck Ware were also present.
Old Business:
Gloria Norberg discussed programs for the rest of the year.
Mr. Nakamura will present the program for March. Programs
and program dates for the remainder of the year will be
published in the yearbook.
Mike Hansen has volunteered to represent our club at the
Texas Stars program at the upcoming LSBF convention.
Jimbo discussed the display the club has been asked to
present at the Zilker Garden Festival. There will be a
display of Bonsai trees in various stages of development.
The Permanent Bonsai Collection has been given space at the
Garden Festival. Brochures about the permanent collection
will be available to expand awareness.
New Business:
Gloria Norberg brought up the possibility of having a
display at the monthly bonsai meeting. The purpose of the
display is a subtle educational tool to help members learn
how to display trees. The board will ask one member each
month to present a display. Candy and Mike Hansen will
present the display for March. David Gordon will make
arrangements with other members for displays for the
remainder of the year.
Book reports were discussed. It was decided to have several
book reports again this year. Els Ulug will make
arrangements to have a member present book reports.
Gloria Norberg asked about the possibility of having our
logo put on the sympathy and good cheer cards the club
sends out. It was decided that cards with the logo will be
printed. Pat Ware will print several and bring them to the
next meeting for review.
Ash Juniper
Libby Pulley
(with permission)
Latin name: juniperus ashei
AKA: mountain cedar, cedar brake, Texas cedar, sabino,
enebro, tascate, taxate, post cedar, cedro, blue-berry
juniper, rock cedar, Ozark white cedar
We call them cedar trees, but actually these evergreens are
classified as junipers, members of the cypress family and
the division coniferophyta (cone bearing plants). The
species name, ashei, is in honor of the American botanist
William Willard Ashe (1872-19032). Ashe junipers are the
most common trees in the Austin area, flourishing
especially in the limestone soil and full sun of the hill
All parts of the cedar tree are used by man and other
animals. Extracted cedarleaf oil is appreciated for its
clean smell and used in a variety of household and other
products. Tree resin contains up to 75% camphor (think
Vicks VapoRub) and is used medicinally. Birds and mammals
feast on the blue berries, and the endangered Golden
Cheeked Warbler uses (exclusively) the sloughed bark of the
very mature old growth trees for making its nest. Of
course, cedar wood has been used by man for centuries for a
myriad of products, from arrow shafts to fence posts.
Ashe junipers exist in two reproductive forms, like people
do. There are male trees and female trees. Female trees are
the ones that have the beautiful frosty blue-green berries,
which are actually fleshy-scaled tiny cones in which seeds
are produced. Male trees produce bright yellow projections
which emit the dreaded pollen that causes cedar fever. A
truly impressive sight is that of a male cedar tree at the
moment the conditions are just right and it releases a
yellow cloud of pollen. (Aaaachewww!) Reprinted from Tree
Clinic Quarterly, 1st Quarter,2001.
LSBF-Dallas Convention
The time is getting short to experience the two
international bonsai artists in one convention.
Although Mr. Pedro Morales hails from Puerto Rico, he is
well versed in the use of non-tropical material for bonsai
and does presentations throughout the world. At the Friday
night dinner demonstration he will be working on a large
San Jose juniper. His olive workshop on Saturday quickly
sold out but there are a couple of slots on the Friday
buttonwood workshop.
Mr. Craig Coussins comes from the celtic country of
Scotland. He is famous (or infamous, depending upon your
view of large bonsai) for creating forest planting on very
large slabs. Since most of us do not have the room or the
hired help to handle that type of planting, we are having
him rein in his talents a bit and create a seiju elm forest
on a 3-4 foot slab. This will be done after the Saturday
evening dinner. Both of Mr. Coussins workshops, the Shohin
Black Pine and the Trident Maple workshops aree sold out.
The Japanese maple forest on a natural slab by Mr. Greg
Setter has also been sold out.
The vendor area promises to be a good one this year with a
couple of new faces. Mas and Gary Ishii of Chikugo-en
Bonsai and Shane Cary Bonsai will be here. Sadly Sara
Rayner had to cancel but we have secured Michael Hagedorn
Pottery to fill her spot. I am looking forward to see what
Allen Roach of the Wood Furniture Craft Works will spring
on us. Other 'old' friends that will be with us are: Jade
Gardens, Artistic Plants, Bent Tree Bonsai, Bonsai Mountain
Garden, MBP Bonsai, Persimmon Hill Bonsai, Renaissance
Bonsai, Vitos Bonsai and Tokonoma Bonsai.
If any one from out of town has a young person they would
like to have in the youth workshop, we would appreciate an
advance registration so that they will be sure to have a
Again, if you have any questions please call Sylvia Smith
at 972-392-1430 ( or
John Miller 903-776-2910 (
website at
LSBF Minutes
January 20, 2001 Austin Area Garden Center, Austin, Tx.
The President Buddy Allen called the meeting to order at
12:55 PM.
Chuck Ware moved that the minutes of the last meeting be
accepted as presented. Bob Swindle seconded. Motion passed.
Pat Ware distributed the Treasurer’s report. December
31, 2000 budgeted balance is $6496.21. The estimated income
from the 2001 convention is $2700. Budget expenses for 2001
are projected to be $3792. yielding an anticipated year-end
balance of $5404.81. The guest speaker’s airfare
budget was raised from $800. to $900. due to rising cost.
Pat stated since the net LSBF meeting will not be held at
the convention time so no funds were allocated for the meal
but the hospitality account was increased to cover the
luncheon meeting to be held in June. The Texas Bonsai
publications budget is raised to the proposed $925. A table
of the dues and benefits received by each LSBF club for the
past ten years was include in the financial report.
Kathleen Williamson moved the 2001 budget be approved as
presented. John Miller seconded. Motion passed Bob Swindle
moved that the Treasurer’s report be approved. Chuck
Ware seconded. Motion passed.
Chuck Ware presented the draft schedule for our guest
speaker Hal Mahoney. Chuck stated Hal’s fee is $250.
per program. Kathleen Williamson moved that LSBF provide
$100. for each event up to two events per club and consider
a possibility of increasing the supplement for the second
events in the June LSBF meeting. Bob Swindle seconded.
Motion passed.
Chuck presented that Mary Miller is available and has
agreed to be our Texas Tour Speaker in June 2002.
Mary’s fee is $250. per program. John Miller moved
that we approve Mary as our guest speaker. Bob Swindle
seconded. Motion passed.
John Miller presented a list of sixteen vendors that have
committed to attend the convention. Howard Smith stated
that there are 44 full registrants signed up so far. Howard
stated that most of the workshops are totally booked except
for three slots left in the Black Pine and seven in the
Buttonwood. The Buttonwoods were hand selected by Shane
Cary from Mary Millers’ nursery stock.
Chuck Ware gave a review of the plans for the November 2002
Convention. Marc Nolander, Dennis Makishima and Pat Brodie
will be the guest presenters.
Attendees discussed ideas to fill the 2003 gap in the
convention schedule. Kathleen Williamson made a motion that
LSBF sponsor the 2003 symposium. Libby Huffman seconded.
Discussion continued regarding the need for small core
group and leader to meet before the June meeting to make
preliminary plans for the event. Yvonne Padilla volunteered
to lead a group of 3-4 selected team members. Yvonne
requested recommendations from each club. Buddy asked for
approval of this team via a show of hands. Motion carried.
Libby Huffman request a copy of the LSBF handbook for the
San Antonio club.
Chuck recommended that we have a small group review past
minutes to recap past practices. Kathleen volunteered to
review these and asked for a copy of the roster of
attendees to contact if questions arise.
Pat Ware recommended that the LSBF videotapes be disposed
of in a raffle at the convention. Subsequent discussions
resulted in a motion made by Libby Huffman to raffle three
videotapes at this convention and the remaining two at the
next convention. Bob Swindle seconded. Motion carried.
Terry Ward stated that the CD’s of all the past Texas
Bonsai issues fro the first issue in 1982 through the fall
of 2000 should be complete this summer.
Terry Ward requested that each club submit a list of their
delegates and alternates and the number of Texas Bonsai
they will require for 2001.
Buddy Allen read a letter from the Beaumont bonsai group
asking what they need to do to come back into LSBF.
Consensus of the attendees is to request the following: 1)
a letter asking for reinstatement into LSBF, 2) $2. per
member dues, 3) a copy of their by-laws, 4) the names of
their delegate and alternate. Chuck Ware made a motion that
we encourage their interest and provide the items listed.
Bob Swindle seconded. Motion carried.
John Miller discussed a liability insurance coverage
proposal for LSBF that would provide protection for all
sponsored event that cost $100. per year. Several of the
clubs already have liability insurance so it was
recommended that John research our options to present a the
next meeting. John agreed.
Bob Swindle moved the meeting be adjourned. Libby Huffman
seconded. Motion carried. Buddy Allen declared the meeting
adjourned at 3:07 PM.
It was a great clearing Party ! The weather was perfect, in
the 70’s , so we all worked in double time and
cleared four “mountains” of underbrush in six
hours. We could only realize we accomplished that much by
looking at our “Mountains”.
No, we haven’t finished yet. We wanted to leave some
fun for the rest of you. A huge Thank You to the following
for their hard work:
John Pittenger, Terry & Sheila Ward,
Alisan Clarke, Audrey Lanier, Cliff Rainey,
Tim Arnold, Connie King, Angela DeNeen
and Jim Allan.
Drought-tolerant Plants for Bonsai
Huisache, acacia farnesiana: The sweet acacia or
huishache grows from a shrubby plant to a tre reaching 35
feet high. Distinctly vase shaped, heissache is slightly
throny, and produces a spectacualr spring floral show of
fragrant, yellow, ball-shaped flowers in late winter or
early spring. The riverwalk in San Antonio is ablaze with
color when these trees bloom after a gray winter.
Texas persimmon, diospyros texana: A shrub to small
tree, Texas persimmon may reach 40 feet in clutivation. It
grows in thickets ans is a nuisance to ranchers but is
easily trimmed to interesting shapes for ornamental use. It
has beautiful, peelling owter bark and smooth inner bark
with shades of gray, white and pink. Texas (also called
Mexican) persimmon produces small, sweet, edible fruit,
though full of seed.
Golden-rain tree, koelreuteria paniculata: A very
attractive small tree, golen-rain tree is native to the
Orient and grows to about 30 feet. It produces excellent
spring color when it flowers in bright yellow clusters. Its
fruit is nice, too. Papery, bladderlike capsules appear in
midsummer and persisit into winter. It is at lease a
three-season tree. Golden-rain tree grows almost anywhere.
Its only real pest may be the boxelder sbugs, but they do
not apear to harm the tree. It has once-compound leaves.
Chinese pistache, pistacia chinensis: The Chinese
pistache possess many qualities. It’s nearly pest
free, reaches 20 to 30 feet tall, and once extablished it
requires little care. It is not attractive as a young tree,
but as it matures, it will produce an umbrella camapy. Fall
color can be spectacular.
Editor’s note: This is part of an article appearing
in the Austin Gardener published by the Men’s Garden
Club of Austin, February, 2001.
Having been erased,
The document you’re seeking
Must now be retyped.
There are still a couple of spots open for the advice from
Mr. Nakamura. For a $15.00 charge you can have an expert
tell you how your tree can be improved - give you some
insight into possibilities you hadn’t thought about!
Send your check to Pat Ware or call & reserve your spot
& pay before the meeting.
Awakening the Soul
This new book is the collection of one of our national
treasures, presenting some of the best viewing stones from
around the world donated by avid collectors and world
leaders. Published in memory of Yuji Yoshimura, Awakening
the Soul orchestrates 100 pages of expressive photography,
classic design, passionate writing, comprehensive
reference, and renaissance craftsmanship. This book is more
than a pictorial catalogue - it captures the timeless
expressions of Nature, and stimulates the imagination. This
work has been produced in limited quantities.
The National Bonsai Foundation and the U.S. National
Arboretum are leased to announce the first international
symposium on Scholarly Perspectives on Bonsai and Viewing
Stones to be held at the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum
on October 26-28, 2001. This will be a rare occasion to
broaden your knowledge about the history of bonsai and its
spread to western countries, and to gain a better
understanding about suiseki, viewing stones, Chinese
scholar stones, and other beautiful stones. This will also
be a unique opportunity to meet and learn from the
world’s leading experts.�
Taken from NBF Bulletin, Winter 2000