President's Message
by Candy Hansen
Our June program promises to be something special.. The speaker who does the
circuit of all the Lone Star State Clubs will be at our meeting to do a
demonstration. Please come out to see Mary Miller, from the Miami area. Anyone
wishing to take a workshop with her the night before our meeting should call Pat
Ware to see if there is room and register. Any new perspective can help you know
what you and your taste really are!
I want to send a special thank-you to all who helped to make our annual show
really great. First and foremost, Del De LosSantos and Jimbo really deserve a
bunch of credit for a smooth-running show. The only other specific thanks I will
say is to all the keepers and haulers of our show sets, who get them just where
they should be, and on time. Great Job. To everyone else who worked at set-up or
tear-down, or at any time in between, Thank-You, too. See, you did know more
than anyone coming through the show did about our trees. People who displayed
trees, of course made the show possible, and if you just came to appreciate the
show, Thank-You, too. Each year I think our show could not get better, but it
does, because members keep studying to learn more about refinement and other
ways of creating excellence. Visitors to our show are always awed.
See you at the meeting.
Calendar of Events
June 11 Workshop with Mary Miller
7:00 PM Zilker Garden Center
June 12 Monthly Meeting Lecture/Demo with Mary Miller
7:30 PM Zilker Garden Center
Refreshments by: David Gordon Carl Quisenberry
June 15 Pine Workshop - Part 4
2:00 PM MBP Nursery (See ad on pg.6) Pflugerville, Tx.
June l9 Board Meeting
7:00 PM Zilker Garden Center
June 26 Members Workshop (see pg. 6)
7:30 PM Zilker Garden Center
Developing Tropicals with Chuck Ware
Jun 27-30 ABS Symposium Milwaukee, Wi.
Jul. 3-7 BCI 2002 Bonsai in the Sun Orlando, Fl.
July 10 Monthly meeting - Organics John Dromgrold, speaker
Sept. 6-8 IBC - New York
Nov 15-17 State Bonsai Convention New Braunfels, Tx.
General Meeting Minutes
by David Gordon
The regular monthly meeting for the Austin Bonsai Society for May 2002, was
called to order by President Candy Hansen on May 8, 2002, at 7:30 P.M.
The secretaries report for the April meeting was approved as written in the
newsletter. Treasurer's report was given by Pat Ware.
Sheila Ward was appointed the club delegate for the upcoming BCI Convention.
Sheila and Terry Ward won the free registration to the 2002 LSBF Convention.
Del De Los Santos and Jim Baumann discussed the annual club show which is
scheduled for May 17 and 18, 2002.
Gloria reported that the San Antonio Club show will be May 10 and 11, 2002.
Members are encouraged to attend.
Chuck Ware discussed the need for members taking workshops from our visiting
artists to bring trees that are "suitable bonsai material." He
encouraged members to plan ahead by either preparing material for workshops in
advance or purchasing suitable material from nurseries specializing in bonsai
stock. "Clubs across the state are remiss for allowing members to bring
material to a workshop that is not suitable." If a member has a question
about material for workshops from visiting artists they are encouraged to speak
with one of the more experienced club members.
Mike's pine workshop will be on June 15, 2002, at 2:00 P.M. at his studio in
Pflugerville. The Texas Shohin meeting will be at 10:00 A.M. that same day at
Terry and Sheila Ward's house.
The guest speaker for the evening was Mike Hansen who presented a tool
sharpening lecture and demonstration.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Board Meeting Minutes
by David Gordon
The May board meeting for the Austin Bonsai Society was called to order at
7:00 P.M. on May 15, 2002, by President Candy Hansen.
Members attending were Candy Hansen, Gloria Norberg, Pat Ware, David Gordon,
Jim Baumann, Carl Quisenberry, Tammy Bieri and past president Alisan Clarke and
Chuck Ware.
There were no corrections to the April board meeting minutes as written in
the newsletter. Treasurer's report was given by Pat Ware.
The Mary Miller workshop and lecture/demo was discussed by the board. She is
scheduled for our regular meeting in June. The tree she uses for the
lecture-demo will be used in the raffle.
The board voted on the slate of officers for BCI as prepared for the clubs by
The club show schedule for May 17 and 18, 2002 was discussed.
There was a discussion about programs for next year. Some ideas were proposed
and members were asked to think about possibilities for programs. It was decided
that at the next board meeting some definite plans would be made.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
The Japanese Influence
No style of gardening has generated so much fascinated attention in America
as the Japanese, yet to create a truly authentic Japanese garden here is very
The Japanese garden is an statement of a culture and a landscape far
different from ours. It encompasses all of Nature and conveys strong
spiritual and philosophical messages says landscape architect Armistead
Browning, Jr. in Japanese Gardens, Handbook 108 of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
This is one of the finest in the Garden's distinguished handbook series.
More than a few of the articles delineating the philosophy and design principles
are brilliant, and the handbook is highly useful to anyone intending to adopt or
adapt the Japanese style.
Knowledge, skill and great patience are needed to find and arrange the rocks
which are the main feature of the Japanese garden, and to select and train the
trees an shrubs. Mosses , bamboo's and other classical plants must be chosen and
placed not only for their beauty but for the emotional responses they evoke.
Every element in the Japanese garden has multiple meanings.
As Dr. George S. Avery said ten years ago in his Guest Special Issue on
Japanese gardens (Vol. 8 No. 11) gardeners are "discovering in Japanese
gardens a dimension new to us that is likely to have a deeper influence on the
future of American gardens that we can now foresee". Japanese gardens, even in
the less-than-perfect forms and adaptations we can create here, can teach us a
new level of appreciation of nature, and impart feelings of peacefulness,
strength and enchantment.
The Avant Gardener
Reprinted from Texas Bonsai, Summer, 1986
Patience is what you need
when you don't like
what you are doing. Frank Okamura
3 workshop spaces left
This is a FABULOUS OPPORTUNITY for Everyone!
She SPECIALIZES on TROPICALS but is so TALENTED, she works on everything!
Mail your money, payable to ABS, to our Treasurer, Pat Ware 12404 Ranch Rd.
12 Wimberley, Tx. 78676
Do not wait until the last moment to get your material. Go to a BONSAI
NURSERY as it has material already prepared for you to take to a workshop!!!!!!!

Jimbo, Del and David did a fabulous job of organizing
Members Workshop
This month we will be focusing on the tropicals. There is a tendency to
simplify tropicals and lump them all into one broad group and view them all the
same. We don't view the Japanese maple, black pine, or hornbeam as temperate
trees with the same needs and care instructions. Neither should we approach
tropicals with such generality.
The June study group will look at the growth and horticultural needs of the
tropicals that are brought in for us to discuss. We will also explore the
development strategies and styling techniques that might be appropriate for that
Don't Forget! All hours spent working on our Annual Show, and any other
volunteer hours, should be reported to: Charlotte Cranberg
Austin Area Garden Council Report
by Charlotte Cranberg
Please keep track of the hours you put in for the Bonsai Show. That includes
travel time, preparation of bonsai, time spent at the Garden Center and any
other time you have given to the Garden Center or educational talks, etc. That
does not include selling for yourself.
Serious cuts have been made in by the city in manpower for the gardens. This
is due to the tax shortfall caused by the recession. Do you have time to give a
few hours just once or more to help keep up the gardens? This could be anything
from weeding or watering to working in the gift shop or being a docent for
education. For the next two years it is not foreseen that we will get our staff
up to par so we are asking for help from the gardeners in Austin. Get your
friends and/or enemies to come. We need everyone. Call me or the Garden Center
if you can help. If you can't help now, call when you can! We all know how
important a love of gardening is to the quality of life and this is a way we can
promote it in Austin.
The Garden Council is preparing a new outreach program called "Friends of
Zilker Botanic Gardens" and is going to appoint a "Volunteer Coordinator" who will develop a list of volunteers who can be called when help is needed.
Also, an information coordinator will be appointed who will work with data
bases, exhibitors etc.
The Education program has received a $20,000 grant from the Junior League as
well as 8 volunteers. They will work with the children's tours and education.
The number of visitors to the gardens has doubled since the Hartman
Prehistoric Garden opened. Vandalism has increased also.
A new adult lecture series is featuring Porch and Patio gardening on June
22nd from 9 am to noon at the garden center. $10 donation is asked.
Representatives from "Gardens" and "The Great Outdoors" will discuss
successful gardening in a small space.
The "prize" for a FREE Registration to the State Bonsai Convention in
November was won by lucky Sheila Ward!!!