President's Message
by Glenda Konopka
Hello and Happy Holidays! I hope that you all have a wonderful
time celebrating the joys of this season with friends, family, and (of
course) bonsai! The revels were kicked off beautifully by the club's
Christmas party, which was graciously hosted by Elaine White and her
husband at their spectacular home. As far as I could see, everyone had
a great time and it was a wonderful opportunity to get to know my fellow
club members better.
To begin, I'd like to thank you all for being so very supportive
of my selection as President for 2003. I've never served our club in
any substantive capacity before, let alone one of such responsibility,
but I promise to give the job everything I've got. I'll be helped
immensely by being able to draw on the vast pool of knowledge,
experience, and enthusiasm we have on the Board this year - David Gordon
as VP, Del DeLos Santos as Secretary, Pat Ware as Treasurer, Candy
Hansen as Past-President, and our three Members-at-Large: Carl
Quisenberry, Connie King, and Larry Gfeller. I'm really looking forward
to working with such a great Board - and all of you!
2003 is shaping up to be an exciting year for us in more ways
than one. First, we're going to be looking at options to update the
look of our show in May - new table covers and displays to get the
public more excited about and interested in bonsai. The Board is
actively soliciting input from everyone in the club about what they
think could jazz things up and what they'd like to see - all ideas are
welcome for consideration. The January Board meeting is going to be a
comprehensive discussion of these changes, so we'd love to see any
interested members join us and become a part of this process. We'll
also be looking for volunteers to Chair the show, so please consider the
valuable contribution you can make to your club in this arena ?
volunteer your time, energy, and ideas!
Second, we have some really exciting programs and activities
planned for the coming year thanks to David Gordon and his helper
elves! On January 25th is our joint dig with San Antonio at Jim Walsh's
place in Wimberley. Jim's dad is a member of the SA club, and Jim is
interested in bonsai himself, so he's excited about learning collection
techniques from us. He has a bar-b-que area with picnic benches he's
been generous enough to offer us to use for lunch while we're at his
place; this should be a lot of fun for everyone. Maps will be available
at the January monthly meeting. The Saturday after Christmas is the dig
at the Christmas tree farm in Elgin (thanks for setting this up,
Mike!). Anyone interested in going is asked to meet at the Dairy Queen
in Elgin at 9:00 a.m. and then we'll caravan to the farm; Mike will
guide us there and show us where it's kosher to dig. I'm told the
Virginia pines there are cool trees and bud back readily, so I'm really
looking forward to this as I've never dug my own pine tree before. I'll
be going out to my friend Jim Aaron's place in Round Mountain the week
between Christmas and New Years to see what he's got - if it looks good,
he'll let us schedule our third dig of the year there during February.
Jim Walsh has given us February 1st as a backup date in case we get
weathered-out on January 25th. These should all be great opportunities
to collect native materials.
Elaine White is kicking off our monthly members' study group in
January with a discussion of caring for new trees - whether collected
material or pre-bonsai. This will be followed-up by a repotting and
root-oriented study group in February. One of the Board's goals this
year will be to draw on our senior members' experience and knowledge for
the benefit of the mid-tier and ‘newby' members - like me! As the year
goes on, the study groups will cover timely topics for the seasonal
issues we face in helping our trees to thrive. We would love to get
input from you all for what you'd like to see covered this year - what
interests, bores, or puzzles you in your practice. Please give your
feedback to any Board member at your convenience.
Program-wise, we hope this will be a varied and interesting
year, offering something for everyone in the club. Some visiting
artists will include Mr. Hiroshi Yamagi (I hope I spelled that right) of
Japan for our March meeting and Roy Nagatoshi in October. We've planned
a workshop with Mary Miller, in addition to a lecture/demo presentation,
for the joint meeting with San Antonio we're hosting this August. Add
this our plans to tap our wealth of experienced members for programs and
study groups (you'll all find out who you are soon enough!) with the
annual events of our show, auction, and Christmas party, and we have the
makings of a great year to look forward to.
As I feel that my role is to serve the best and common interests
of all the club members, I've done a lot of thinking since being asked
to hold office. What is being President all about? Is it to make sure
that the Bylaws are followed? Sure, but I don't think that's the most
important thing. Is it to tell people what I want them to do?
Absolutely not. I feel that the President's job is to set an overall
tone in keeping with the highest aspirations of bonsai and the human
spirit that loves bonsai, to build relationships on many levels - person
to person, person to tree, person to club "family," student to teacher
(and vice-versa), and club to community. I believe bonsai always comes
ahead of ego, politics, or personal gratification.
Philosophically, I'd like to see the club grow more varied in its
membership, to attract - and keep - new and/or younger members, to reach
out to the next generation. That's why I drag poor David to the
meetings! We always need to stay focused on the centerpiece of why
we're all here - the common love of bonsai we share. As I see it, we
have three tiers of members: Tier 1 - the beginner bonsai enthusiast,
someone who is taken in by the beauty of these trees and wants to learn
more. These new folks must be carefully nurtured along by the more
experienced club members because it's all too easy to get discouraged in
the face of the complexity, cost, and patience required of this
discipline; we've all gone through this if we didn't quit ourselves at
this stage, and probably survived because someone came to our rescue and
mentored us. Tier 2 - the mid-level practitioner, someone who's
survived the initial period of adjustment and has kept at it for 5-6
years; someone who can keep their trees alive (most of the time), knows
the basics, and is ready for more advanced training and techniques.
These people can share what they've learned so far with those on Tier 1,
helping them move up the ladder of learning. Tier 3 ?our most
experienced members, someone who has spent decades dedicated to
perfecting their knowledge of bonsai and capable of passing on their
experience to the Tier 2 folks. As each stage of development on this
learning ladder is passed, those on the upper rungs can reach down and
help those below; those people, in turn, will help those below, and so
on. As each tier of bonsai lover passes up the ladder, they pull those
below upward, to take their place someday as mentors to those who have
begun their own journey. We all have a responsibility to enrich each
others' love, wonder, and understanding of bonsai as we journey through
this amazing practice. We can never lose our sense of wonder at the
miracle we make happen when we do bonsai. Just as they say that the
only "finished" bonsai is the one that's ready for the fireplace,
so I
believe that we humans are never "finished" either - there is always
something new and exciting to learn, which keeps us growing, just like
our trees.
This is your club - no better and no worse than the sum of its
parts - each one of you, our membership. Because this is your club, I,
and the rest of the Board, sincerely ask each and every one of you to
take a moment to reflect, think, and tell us what you want from your
club in the coming year which, in turn, will shape the years to come;
just like bonsai, our club and our relationships with each other are a
long-term project. Your Board members will do the best we can for you,
but if you don't give us your input, then we may not be meeting your
needs in your bonsai growth and practice. Give us your input and, if we
don't capitalize on it, you can complain your head off and we'll do
better next time!
I am proud as a peacock to tell people I'm President of the Austin
Bonsai Society; that I know you, will try to fulfill my responsibilities
to you, and have so much to learn from all of you. If you ever have any
problem with anything I say or do, I want you to tell me right away ?
this is not an ego job, but a service job! I've never done this before,
so I ask for your patience and help and, with a little luck, a kick or
two in the pants, and the rest of the Board to keep me in line, we'll
all have a 2003 to remember. Thanks for your ear and see you all soon!
Calendar of Events
Dec. 28 Collecting Dig in Elgin
Meet at 9 AM at the Dairy Queen and caravan to the spot - call
Mike Hansen for details
Jan. 8 Monthly Meeting
Thread Grafting, etc. with Mike Hansen & friends
Refreshments by:
Alisan Clarke
Pat Ware
Jan. 15 Board Meeting
Zilker Garden Center
7:00 PM
Jan. 22 Members Study Group (see pg.3)
Zilker Garden Center
7:30 PM
Jan. 25 Collecting Dig in Wimberley
(Rain date Feb. 1)
Map and details at Jan. meeting
Feb. 12 What do you do with all
those roots??????
Feb. 27-Mar 2 The Philippine Bonsai Society
Manila, Philippines
July 11-13 LSBF Symposium
Austin, Tx.
General Meeting Minutes
David Gordon
No General Meeting - Just a GREAT
Christmas party!
Sorry that some of you missed it! It was VERY nice!!!
Board Meeting Minutes
David Gordon
No Board Meeting in December
Members Study Group
What do we do with new material?
Did you purchase something at the auction that you thought had good
potential for bonsai and now can't find it? Have something that stumps
you? Before you stump it, bring it or them, to the workshop and we'll
discuss possible solutions and directions.
Thank You
Thank you for your time, effort, and donations in collecting items for
the convention raffle and in making the raffle happen. It was an
enormous effort on the part of many of you and your family members. We
clearly have some budding sales people in our bonsai families. I
experienced a lot of "No, thank you's" in asking for donations, so
especially appreciate the efforts of those who succeeded in obtaining
donated items.
Gloria Norberg
Raffle 2002 Chairperson
You cannot escape the responsibility
of tomorrow by evading it today.
Abraham Lincoln
Dues are Due!
Please bring your membership dues of
$25.00 for individual or
$30.00 for family (2 adults)
$12.50 for Student
to the meeting or mail to our treasurer:
Pat Ware
12404 Ranch Rd. 12
Wimberley, Tx. 78676
If you do not pay your dues by March 15th, you will be removed from our
mailing list.
Texas State Bonsai Covention 2002
[Image] Started with an empty room and
developed into workshops and
exhibit area and more!
The Presidents! - BCI, Allan
Walker; Austin, Candy Hansen; LSBF, Chuck Ware; San Antonio, Donna Dobberfuhl;
and ABS VP, Robert Case.
Scots Pine started this way

the idea of what is to come
and the lucky winner was Sue Miller of Dallas
Dennis kept everyone enthralled

Marc drew everyone an idea
Pat gave everyone great styling ideas
Something for everyone
Even "entertainment"
of sorts
[Image] Tickets and more tickets!