Roots 101
This will be the subject of our next meeting and our
speaker will be our own Bill Cody. Bill has written
numerous articles for Journal of the American Bonsai
Society. If you go back through the magazines, you will
find that Bill has done several articles regarding the
roots of our bonsai. Back in 1996, he wrote 'Since
cold hardiness varies among species, between cultivars of a
species, and even between various tissues of the same plant
(e.g., crown and roots), it is no wonder that there may be
confusion as to how to protect our bonsai against the
rapidly-changing central Texas weather.' Then in
2000, he talks about the heat, 'Elevated root
temperatures can influence other physiological and chemical
processes within the plant such as shoot extension, apical
dominance, stomatal closure, flower initiation, hormone
synthesis, and translocation, which in turn can adversely
affect growth rate, cause leaf chlorosis and abnormal
branching, and reduced flower number and quality. As you can see, the temperature affects the roots, as well
as insects, fungi, and fertilizers. Then there is always
the possibility that there were air pockets when you potted
or your soil mixture was incorrect for the tree planted in
Bill will bring some plants to show us what we should see
as far as good or bad rootage. If you have something that
has puzzled you, bring it, and we'll see if we can
determine the cause - or at least hypothesize as to what
the problem could be.
Calendar of Events
Feb. 10 Crash Course at Persimmon Hill
9:30 AM (See previous newsletter)
Feb. 14 Monthly Meeting
Bill Cody
7:30 PM
Zilker Garden Center
Refreshments by:
Els Ulug
Rita Matthews
Feb. 18 Club Rock Dig at
See map on page 7
Feb. 20 Texas' Bonsai Exhibit board
meeting at the Hansen's
7:00 PM
Feb. 21 Board Meeting
7:00 PM
Zilker Garden Center
Feb. 28 Members workshop
See previous newsletters for info
7:30 PM
Zilker Garden Center
Feb. 24-25 Bonsai-A-Thon
San Marino, Ca.
March 23-25 LSBF in Dallas
Mar. 3l - Apr. 1 Zilker Garden Festival
April 12-15 ABS in New Orleans
May 19-20 Austin's Annual Show
May 25-28 Bonsai Societies of Florida
May 31 - June 4 - 4th World Conv.
General Meeting Minutes
by David Gordon
The January 10, 2001 meeting of the Austin Bonsai Society
was called to order by President Candy Hansen at 7:30 p.m. New guests were introduced. They are
Angela Drews and Helene Taubert.
The Treasurers report was given by Pat Ware. Copies of the
year 2000 budget/expense report are available for club
Terry Ward reported on the study group classes scheduled to
start Wednesday, January 24, 2001. Details about the
classes can be found in the January newsletter.
Elaine reported on the Austin Bonsai Society Permanent
Collection. The collection is now a nonprofit
corporation. More details about the collection will be
reported in the February newsletter.
The upcoming LSBF convention in Dallas was discussed by
Chuck Ware. Also a progress report on the 2002 convention
was given.
Pat Ware reported on the Garden Council activities.
Volunteers are needed for a variety of positions for the
upcoming garden festival.
President Candy Hansen asked for input from the club
members on the types of programs they would like for the
coming year.
The business meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. by
President Candy Hansen.
The program for the evening entitled Sho-Chiku-Bai was
presented by member Elaine White.
Board Meeting Minutes
by David Gordon
The Austin Bonsai Society Board meeting was held on January
17, 2001. President Candy Hansen presided
Members in attendance were Els Ulug, Jim Baumann, Gloria
Norberg, Pat Ware, and David Gordon, plus past president,
Alisan Clarke, and Chuck Ware.
Old Business:
Pat Ware informed the board that we have four tables for a
display at the Garden Festival to be held March 31 and
April 1, 2001. A discussion was held on possible display
items. Members Alisan and Jimbo will organize a display
for the club.
The question of whether or not to have a new members
workshop this year was brought up by Pat Ware. The
workshop held last November went very well and the new
members felt it was of great benefit. It was decided to do
the workshop again this year in November. It will be
presented by Chuck Ware. A motion was unanimously
approved by the board.
A motion was made and approved that Chuck Ware will do a
presentation for the club for the Barton Creek Garden Club
on Wednesday, February 21, 2001.
Discussion was held on the Garden Festival tickets. Tickets have been given to club members and we have tickets
remaining. A motion was made and approved that the club
will pay for the remaining Garden Festival tickets and they will be donated.
The club was asked to provide someone to do a demonstration
at the Texas Stars' Brunch at the upcoming LSBF
convention. A motion was made and unanimously approved
that Candy Hansen will appoint someone to do the demo. The
amount for the tree and pot not to exceed $100.
Discussion was held on the December meeting for this
year. The meeting has been moved to December 1, 2001,
which is a Saturday. This will be the Christmas Dinner
meeting. The date was changed due to road closures during
the Trail of Lights display at Zilker Park.
New Business:
Discussion was held about the monthly programs for this
year. Programs were discussed for each month. Based upon
the proposals, program chair Gloria Norberg will come up
with a schedule. The programs will be published in the
A discussion was also held regarding the member workshops
held the fourth Wednesday of each month. It was decided
that following Terry Ward's class, the workshops will be
headed by appointed club members. Club members will bring
trees to the workshop they would like help with and our
more experienced members will be available for assistance. Some of the meetings may focus on specific trees. Details
will be worked out by the April meeting.
The meeting was adjourned by President Candy Hansen.
Pedro Morales & Craig Coussins
The LSBF State Convention is early so fill out the forms
TODAY and MAIL IN NOW! You can save money by sending in by
February 15th!!!!
For more information, and to check on workshop
availability, visit the website:
Going Native
by John Miller
Guess what, folks? It's time to "think native". Using material from the nursery can
lead to some fine bonsai, but the only way to get a fifty
year old tree is to go where one has been for fifty years. If you can get a tree that nature or livestock has been
working on for a long time, you will have most of your work
done for you. Some of the local species are almost ready
for a pot when you get them home.
Some of the local species are equal to the Japanese
species that are traditionally used for bonsai; they merely
copied the practice from the Chinese and so vastly improved
on it that they got the reputation of owning it. They also
used the material that was indigenous to their country for
the most part, therefore the traditional bonsai was of the
Japanese material that best suited the bonsai practice.
However, they were not hesitant to use foreign material,
i.e. Trident Maple, whenever it was suitable. The Japanese
think highly of the California Juniper, also.
If you ever see both the California Juniper and our own
Ashe Juniper together, you will note that the Ashe Juniper
has much finer foliage, closer to the famed Shimpaku
Juniper. You can also find specimens with wonderful
twisted and whitened trunks.
The local Cedar Elm is a world class tree with good bark,
leaves in good scale, nice twiginess and a long life. Besides all that, it is very easy to find specimens in just
about any pasture and hillside you look at that has been
browsed by cattle or deer. Just dig them up and in a year
or two you will have a show quality tree. Of course, there
are many more that will take a lot longer to develop.
There are a bunch of other trees in this area that will
make good bonsai. The Mexican Plum has dark, rough bark
which shows off its outstanding white blossoms in the
Spring. It is one of the few plums that is single trunked
and does not sucker from its roots. The Hawthornes give
both flowering and fruiting displays. The Winged Elm is
almost an identical twin to the Cedar Elm, having a little
longer leaf, more corky wings and blooms in the Spring (the
most reliable characteristic).
Almost any woody plant, even a vine, can and has been used
for bonsai. Some good bonsai have been done out of
Hackberry, Texas Persimmon and wild Crabapple. I have seen
nice bonsai from the Rusty Blackhaw and the long-needled
Loblolly Pine. I would like to see more people work with
the oaks. The species most likely to give good results, I
think, are the Shumardi and Texana Red Oaks and the various
Live Oak species. Don't get caught in the trap of
trying to positively identify a species. If it looks good,
dig it, enjoy it and let someone else with nothing better
to do read the books and identify it. In the meantime,
your collection will be that much better for having a great
tree in the middle of it.
Reprinted from Texas Bonsai, Spring, 1992
The Texas State Bonsai Exhibit
We're having a party!
A working party, that is. We are clearing our bonsai
exhibit area of brush and undergrowth. So, bring
gloves, loppers, pruning shears and Water. If you
can't come for all day, come for half. Your hours will
count toward a permanent plaque in the garden.
Soft drinks and snacks will be
Monday (Presidents Day, a Holiday)
February 19th, from 09:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
The Texas State Bonsai Exhibit
by Elaine White
We are officially incorporated and recognized by the IRS
and the State as a non-profit organization under the tax
code 501(c)3. This means that all donations can be
deducted as a charity when you pay your taxes. John
Pittenger designed the proposed garden plans (shown at
meeting). Those plans and cost estimates will be shown to
the Austin Area Garden Council Executive Committee on
February 6 for their approval. The next step is to sign a
co-operative agreement between our corporation and Zilker
Park, then approval by Parks and Recreation.
Many, many thanks to our hard working dedicated Directors
in accomplishing all of this in seven months!
Studying Nature,
Nurturing aged, tiny trees;
Bonsai collectors.
Wanda Woods
LSBF Convention
by John Miller
The LSBF-Dallas Convention is to be held on March 23-34-25
in Dallas. The deadline for getting your early
registrations in is approaching. The date for full
registration of $125 is Feb 15. After that the full
registration is $145.
Changes to the published brochure are that the Caussurina
workshop has been changed to European Olive using material
grown by Roy Nagatoshi and his
father for more than 20 years. In the vendor area,
popular pottery vendor Sara Rayner has had to cancel. Her
spot will filled by another of our upcoming potters,
Michael Hagedorn.
As of this writing, there are openings in the Buttonwood
workshop with Pedro Morales on Friday afternoon and on the
Japanese Maple forest on a natural slab on Saturday
morning. The Trident and Black pine workshops with Craig
Coussins and the Olive workshop with Mr. Morales are
filled. If you have anyone who would like to participate
in the youth work (which is free) please register them
also. The Saturday lunch time lecture by Dr. David
Schleser is an opportunity for you to learn to use
photography from a professional in that field as well as a
great bonsiast who documents his collection on a regular
schedule. Tips on camera techniques will be give as well
as how to use the photographs to help you decide on styling
or restyling the tree.
Members of other clubs are earnestly requested to display
trees in the exhibit area. We wish to emphasize that this
is an LSBF function and would like a cross section of Texas
represented in the exhibit. Give information to the
exhibit chairman is Michael Parkey, 214-824-7067, email
or contact your LSBF delegate.
2002 Convention
The first major combined meeting for the 2002 Convention
was held on Friday, January 12, 2001 at the Hays County
Extension Office. There were 19 members in attendance. The meeting was very productive and seems to spark a lot of
enthusiasm for the project we are entering into. Questions
were answered and the decision on the logo was decided.