President's Message
Alisan Clarke
December is our welcome to the coming Holidays
Bring a favorite dish, the turkey is on the club Save room for all
the good food. Also check out the tree that some of our members
decorated at the Garden Center.
On meeting night bring your decorated bonsai
so we all can enjoy them WE will share donated raffle items and
someone will go home with a treasure There will be a sign up sheet
for Terry Ward's fourth Wed. study group, an excellent chance for a refresher
and new ideas for our newer members Open to all Remember
to collect your pot and Nandina (also two small rocks?) for our January
program with Elaine There are only 40 places, so sign up early.
We will also need to know how many want to go collecting
in January.
Many thanks to Chuck for the yearling workshop It looked like the helpers had a good time too.
This is the end of my two years, busy with
help from all All the little things were big to me Friends
kept the size of the mountains down to hills so that I could keep up I can't say enough about all our great bonsai people.
Do come to our party, Sandra will do
her magic and we will all have fun One of these days I need to learn
to use this computer and type so Pat's job is easier.
Calendar of Events
Dec. 13
Monthly Meeting
7:30 PM
Zilker Garden Center
Refreshments by: Everyone
Dec. 20;
NO Board Meeting
Dec. 25
Merry Christmas
Dec. 27 NO members workshop
Jan. 6-7; Bay Island Bonsai
Haywood, Ca.
January 14; Club Dig (Tentative)
January 21; Club Dig;
Feb. 24-25; Bonsai-A-Thon
San Marino, Ca.
March 23-25; LSBF
in; Dallas
Mar. 3l - Apr. 1 Zilker Garden
April 12-15 ABS in
New Orleans
May 19-20 Austin's
Annual Show
May 25-28 Bonsai Societies
of Florida
Orlando, Fl.
May 31-June 4; 4th World Conv.
Munich, Germany
Oct. 15-19 Bonsai
on Board - BCI
Royal Caribbean
Cruise Lines
General Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President,
Alisan Clarke, at 7:35 PM. She asked Terry Ward to explain the display
that he had set up so that everyone would have an idea of what they would
be doing this evening He went into limited detail because of time.
Gloria Norberg presented the slate of officers,
as published in our last newsletter Chuck Ware made the motion we
accept the slate by acclamation Shelia Ware seconded and it was
Chuck Ware exhibited the blue atlas
cedar that Mas Imazumi did to replace the tree that cracked at the lecture/demo
that he did We applauded the gentleman for "going the extra mile".
Elaine White previewed the January meeting
by example Then she explained the elements and what each person
needs to do & bring.
Pat Ware showed an example of the Christmas
decoration we hope to do for the Zilker tree we will be doing Those
who do needlepoint were asked to do some Also, the budget was passed
to everyone so that they could vote later.
The workshop started with the new members
paired up with old members and working on Korean boxwoods.
The members not involved in that group were treated to a scroll painting
workshop Fun was had by all
Eileen Deeter made the motion
we accept the proposed budget, Don Rehberg seconded it, and it passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at
9:20 PM.
The LSBF State Convention; is early so fill out the forms TODAY
to bring a covered dish to the Christmas Party sign up sheet was forgotten at the last meeting.
The club will provide the meat and drinks plus Sandra Vitone will do
the lovely table decorations. Bring a decorated BONSAI tree for all
to see!!!!!; Bring some item for a raffle that all will enjoy - does
not have to be bonsai related This is our last social for the year.
Also, please bring any suggestions for programs for next year.
Attend, enjoy the camaraderie and have fun!
Special Board Meeting Minutes
Alisan Clarke, President, called together Mike Powers, Gloria Norberg,
Chuck & Pat Ware to go over the proposed budget Pat explained
the differences from last year ; and that last year we had proposed a $1600.
deficit , but to date have only a $1200. deficit which includes the $1000.
donated to the State Exhibit which wasn't in the budget This year's
proposed deficit is primarily due to the fact that we host the joint meeting
this year All agreed to let the membership vote on this budget as
Board Meeting Minutes
by Charlotte Cranberg
The November board meeting of the Austin Bonsai
Society was called to order at 7:05 PM at the Austin Area Garden Center
by President Alisan Clarke. It included both present and "soon to be"board
members Present were Alisan Clarke, David Gordon, Candy and Mike
Hansen, Els Ulug, Chuck and Pat Ware, Gloria Norberg, Jim Allan, Elaine
White, and Charlotte Cranberg.
President Alisan called for a discussion of
the budget as some questions had been raised Charlotte Cranberg
moved that copies of the end of year statement reflecting the budget be
made available at the January meeting The motion passed A
copy of the budget has always been available for members to peruse.
Elaine asked for an annual pledge by the Austin
Bonsai Society to the permanent exhibit Chuck Ware moved that we
budget $500. in 2001 and that it be a line item in future budgets
The motion passed.
Treasurer Pat Ware reported that $423.76 was
the cost of the Gustafson visit after income and expenses were calculated.
December 1st the Christmas tree for the bonsai
society will be decorated at the Garden Center.
Pat asked if we wanted to help the Moon
Festival with replacing the lanterns that were lost in the storm
James Allan moved that the Bonsai Society give $100 The motion passed.
The board agreed that we vote "yes" at the next Austin Area Garden Center meeting to add to their bylaws.
The Christmas party was discussed. Sandra Vitone will be in charge of the table
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.
LSBF Minutes of October 14, 2000
The President Buddy Allen called the meeting
to order at l:03 PM.
Bob Swindle moved that the minutes of
the last meeting be accepted as presented. John Miller seconded
Motion passed.
Pat Ware distributed the Treasurer's report
Pat stated that only two clubs have submitted reimbursement receipts for
Dennis Makishima's programs and requested clubs to get their receipts
in Airfare for Dennis was $70. higher Received refund from
airline for Dan Robinson flights Texas speakers receive $75. plus
30 cents per mile for their programs Eight speakers are on the current
list, which include Mike Hansen, Buddy Hensley, Marty Klajnowski, Vito
Megna, John Miller, Yvonne Padilla, Chuck Ware, and Terry Ward Bob
Swindle moved that the treasurer's report be approved as submitted
Yvonne Padilla seconded Motion passed.
Buddy Allen requested that any officers that
have budget estimates for next year to please submit this information to
Pat to include in the January Budget.
Chuck Ware reported very favorable response
to Dennis Makishima's programs, Buddy will send Dennis a thank you
Chuck recommended Hal Mahoney to be
our Texas Tour artist in the fall of 2001 John Miller seconded
Motion passed Attendees discussed the timing of the 2002 Texas Tour
to be in the spring or summer with Mary Miller as the possible touring
artist. Chuck will contact Mary regarding a spring or summer
tour and report at the next meeting in January Chuck agreed to continue
as the LSBF tour director Buddy requested that each club submit
their preferred times to Chuck A vote tour time and artist will
be tables until the January meeting.
Yvonne Padilla distributed the Convention
financial statement A profit of $6,563.55 will be split between
LSBF and Corpus Christi Bonsai club There were 72-74 full registrants
this year compared to 90 in 1994. The raffles did very well
Attendees agreed that the abbreviated report is a very good format.
John Miller distributed
the LSBF Convention programs and registration forms for the March 23-25,
2001 The convention will be held at the Renaissance Dallas North
Hotel Guest artist will be Pedro Morales, Craig Coussins, Greg Setter,
Vito Megna, and David Schlesser Workshop and demonstrations materials
will include Buttonwood, Trident Maples, San Jose Juniper, Japanese
Shohin Black Pine, Caussurina, Shimpaku and Seiju Elm.
Chuck Ware presented an overview of the 2002
Bonsai convention in New Braunfels The convention will be held on
November 15-17th at the Civic Center There are 8-10 motels in the area
Twelve workshops will be held Friday afternoon, Saturday morning
and afternoon and Sunday morning There will be exhibit, vendor,
snack and storage areas Food will be catered or prepared on-site
Artist signed up so fare are Mark Noelander and Dennis Makishima
Materials will be Scot Pine, Black Bine, Azalea, Native Grape Vine,
Yew, Crab Apple, Boxwood Microphylla, Jasmine, Chinese Box Orange and
Due to Spring 2001 and Fall 202 convention
timing a motion was made by Libby Huffman to schedule the LSBF meetings
to the Summer of 2001 & 2002 Pat Ware confirmed that the Austin
Area Garden Center is available on June 23, 2001 and June 22, on 2002
Libby moved that these dates be placed on the garden center calendar
Bob Swindle seconded Motion passed.
Suzanne Scott distributed and presented
a sub-committee report to address the declining convention attendance
possible future convention locations, formats and programs After
much discussions Bob Swindle made a motion that all delegates bring
plans, ideas and suggestions to the January LSBF meeting Yvonne seconded
carried After the vote it was suggested that;
ask the clubs to send their written recommendations to Suzanne Scott by
Christmas day so she can collate the responses for the January 20, 2001
meeting Terry Ward presented a written report on the definitions
of a seminar and convention for consideration in future convention
Chuck Ware stated that the Texas Stars
demos at the conventions has outlived its usefulness and recommended that
the clubs contribute small materials like trees, pots, stands, etc
in lieu of the demo materials Chuck said the clubs could develop
some pre-bonsai materials that could be used in the workshops and it would
hopefully get more clubs to get their membership more involved in the convention
It was recommended that delegates discuss this idea with their clubs and
bring feedback to the January meeting.
Pat Ware stated she has the BCI speaker's
book if any of the clubs need to use it for reference.
Yvonne Padilla said her Brazilian Raintree
is published the recent issue of Bonsai Today Congratulations Yvonne!
Elaine White state that the preliminary
work to set up a State Bonsai Exhibit is underway with legal documents,
survey of the proposed site, security planning, architectural advise and
election of local Austin directors to work on long term planning
Other clubs will be invited to participate in the planning once the up
front paperwork is completed and long term planning development.
Terry Ward distributed the Texas Bonsai
Annual Report 1140 copies were sent out at a cost of $859.13 which
is 75 cents each Actual cost is 58 cents There are 4-5 advertisers
this next year, Terry asked for feedback from each of the clubs on
the number of copies they really need for their club distribution
Terry recommended a budget of $925, which is a increase of $32. over
last year's budget ($27. is printing cost increase.) Bob Swindle
moved we approve the budget as presented John Miller seconded
Motion passed.
Terry distributed copies of the Texas
Bonsai for delivery to the clubs by the delegates Terry also distributed
a survey asking for the types of trees that have been successfully grown
throughout the state The feedback results will hopefully eat to
an article to encourage hobbyist, especially beginners to work with new
varieties of trees Terry asked for feedback by Thanksgiving.
Bob Swindle moved to adjourn the meeting
Chuck Ware seconded Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 3:45 PM.
Study Group Notes
Intermediate Bonsai Classes Offered
A series of five classes, designed to be a progression of last years
introduction to bonsai series, is being offered to all club members of
all skill levels Classes will cover improving skills in temperate
material, pruning and wiring techniques, along with design concepts
Emphasis will be placed on how to select plants for bonsai - how to see
the bonsai in rough material.
Classes begin on Wednesday, January 24th and
finish on Wednesday, March 28th Please see the calendar below for
dates, locations, and times These classes are ideal for anyone wanting
to gain bonsai skills and as a refresher for bonsai veterans It
is not necessary to have taken last years classes to enroll in this series
Classes are open to all skill levels and will be taught by Terry Ward.
The cost is $10.00 per person for the entire series You may register at the November or January club meetings
or at Class 1. Make your registration check payable to the Austin Bonsai
Society. Because classes are progressive, attendance is limited to registrants
Basic bonsai tools, a selection of aluminum
bonsai wire and table cover, such as a garbage bag, will be needed.
Minimum tools would be bonsai scissors, wire cutters and chop sticks. A
concave cutter would be a most useful addition Details of what you
will use will be covered in Class l.
There; are two additional items which
are essential to bring to every class:; An eagerness to learn and
a willingness to participate!
Class 1
- *Welcome To The Wonderful World of Bonsai Overview of upcoming
- *Classic Styles and Part 1 of Material Selection Guidelines
Introduction to classic bonsai styles and how to use them to our advantage.
*Interactive Questions and Answers
Class 2
- *Material Selection, Part II
How to
see bonsai in rough material using multiple examples.
- *Interactive Questions and
Class 3
- *Wiring 101 And Shaping By Pruning
Basics Overview of wiring and
pruning techniques for some commonly used bonsai material.
- *Workshop
Hands on
wiring and pruning practice. Students to bring their own tree(s) to work on.
*Select Topic for Class 4
Students will decide what topic or workshop they want
to cover in Class 4.
- *Interactive Questions and Answers.
Class 4
- *Students Choice
Topic or workshop will be as selected by the
- *Review Of Material Selection Guidelines
A review to aid students in
the selection of their plant material to use in Class 5.
Class 5
- *Workshop: Create A Bonsai
Students create a bonsai from rough
material they have selected.
- *Interactive Questions and Answers.
Class Schedule:
- Class 1: Wednesday, January 24, Zilker Garden Center, 7:30
p.m./9:30 p.m
- Class 2: Saturday, February 10, Persimmon Hill Bonsai, 9:30
- Class 3: Wednesday, February 28, Zilker Garden Center, 7:30 p.m./9:30
- Class 4: Saturday, March 10, Persimmon Hill Bonsai, 9:30 a.m./Noon
- Class 5:
Wednesday, March 28, Zilker Garden Center, 7:30 p.m./9:30 p.m.
Please Note: Each class will begin promptly at the time shown.
Ten Commandments
Bill Will
- Thou shalt devise thine own potting mix Thou mayest seek
advice and help from others but must formulate thine own mix according
to thine own microenvironment and watering and fertilizing regiment.
- Thou shalt determine the ph of thine own water and adjust it
to slightly acidic.
- Thou shalt immediately, or as soon as possible, remove any new
plant from its original potting mix and place it in thine own.
- Thou shalt abhor, despise, detest and hate all such vermin as
squirrels and mayest not go to the local feed store and buy the 50 lb.
bags of corn to feed them because "they are so cute".
- Thou shalt take care of thy bonsai as though they were thine
own children - for indeed, they art Thou shalt water them, feed
them, groom them, love them and keep them from all harm.
- Thou shalt do thine own repotting and trimming Thou mayest
seek advice and assistance but must do the acual work thine own self.
- Thou shalt not bow down and worship "The Rules" of bonsai and
shalt recognize that they are naught but "guidelines"- albeit excellent
guidelines Thou shouldst learn them and abide by them - when applicable
and possible.
- Thou shalt seek diligently for potential bonsai, they; being
available whence and where found.
- Thou shalt not covet they neighbor's bonsai, nor his pots, nor
his tools - lest ye be willing to pay him at least 10 times its maximum
true value.
- Thou shalt do everything in they power to promote the Art of
Reprinted from Texas Bonsai, Summer, 1991
Editor's note: This was the former editor of Texas Bonsai and
in his editorial he added, "I realize that Americans are a law abiding
people and MUST have a codified set of laws or a constitution by which
to abide lest they become helpless and lost As bonsai has become
a religion to most of us, I have given you something higher than mere laws
They were given to me in a vision as I ascended Mount Fuji and are graven
into a slab of Shimpaku wood with a jin graving tool."
What Am I?
Wanda K. Woods
Beautiful records of the passage
f seasons.... dwarfed and aged, survives
atural rhythms of harmony,
erenity, simplicity.
n ancient artistry steeped
n traditions.
Walking in the night,
Snow is falling,
A farewell to the year.
November 15, 16, 17, 2002
Put this date on your calender and circle it!
Plan your vacation at that time!
Austin and San Antonio are combining
with LSBF to have the State Convention at that time It will be held
at the Civic Center in New Braunfels All members in BOTH clubs will
be working with each other to make this a success Everyone is excited
about this new concept initiated at this Convention.
Offer your help and support!!!!!!
- Show Chairpersons:
Chuck & Pat Ware
- Registration Chairpersons: Greg & Shelia Setter
- Treasurer:
Arlene Hastings
- Vendor Chairpersons: Mike
& Candy Hansen
- Goodie Bag Chairperson: Libby Huffman
- Exhibit Chairperson:
Marty Klajnowski
- Transport/Hospitality Chairperson: Gary Martilla
- Co-Chairperson:
Rachel Cynwinski
- Publicity Chairperson: Elaine White
- Raffle Chairperson:
Gloria Norberg
- Co-chairperson:
Alfred Lopez
- Monitor Chairperson:; Jeff
- Co-chairpersons:
Audrey Lanier
Charlotte Cranberg
- Food Chairperson:
Sandra Vitone
- Co-chairperson:
Mary Martini
- Logo/theme Chairperson:; Jim Bauman (Jimbo)
- Co-chairpersons:
Jordan Merson
- Alisan Clarke
- Webpage Design: Jim Allan
Don't forget to give your volunteer hours to Don Rehberg