Austin Bonsai Society

April 2002

President's Message

Candy Hansen

April. It makes one think of spring, but our changeable Texas weather the past two days is screaming WINTER! Even if the calendar says it, it is way too soon to move tropical plants out of their safe winter sites, unless you want to move them back and forth as the weather does its thing on the way to permanent warm.

Our April club meeting will feature an artist many have seen and a few of us have worked with. Any time a visitor comes to speak to us is a good opportunity to listen and to learn something new, and a chance to pick up some new ideas and techniques. We may not always agree with a speaker, but almost everyone has a bit of new information, or a new way of looking at things that we can adopt, and maybe adapt to our own growing habits. Please read all the program information elsewhere, consider meeting us for dinner to get to know Boon better, and maybe doing a workshop with him. You can only grow!!

See you at the meeting.

Calendar of Events

Apr.  10 Monthly Meeting
 Lecture/Demo by
Boon Manakitivipart
7:30 PM
Zilker Garden Center
 Refreshments by:
Larry Gfeller
Jim Allan

Apr.  11 Workshop  with Boon Manakitivipart
 7:00 PM
Zilker Garden Center

Apr.  17 Board Meeting
 7:00 PM
 Zilker Garden Center

Apr.  24 Members Workshop (see pg. 5)
 7:30 PM
 Zilker Garden Center
 Deciduous Trees with Chuck Ware

Apr. 20-21 Houston Bon.  Soc.  Spring show


May 17-19 Int'l Scholarly Symposium on
 Bonsai & Viewing Stones
U. S.  Nat'l Arboretum, Wash. , DC
May17-19 Annual Austin Bon.  Soc.  Show

Jun27-30ABS Symposium
 Milwaukee, Wi.

Jul. 3-6BCI 2002 Bonsai in the Sun
 Orlando, Fl.

Nov15-17 State Bonsai Convention
 New Braunfels, Tx.

General Meeting Minutes

David Gordon

The March meeting of the Austin Bonsai Society was called to order by President Candy Hansen at 7:30 P. M.  on March 13, 2002.

Guests were introduced; Curt Quinn and Peter Haxton. A new member was also introduced: Jeff Shields.

The minutes for the February meeting of the Austin Bonsai Society were accepted without corrections as printed in our newsletter.

Candy announced that in May there will be a drawing for a free registration to the upcoming LSBF Convention in November. The drawing will be limited to paid members. If the winner has already registered, they will be reimbursed.

Jim Baumann will co-chair our annual show in May. Del De Los Santos volunteered to co-chair the event with Jim. Elaine will be doing the publicity for the event and encouraged members to pick up flyers and place in hem in nurseries, etc.

Gloria talked about upcoming programs. Mike will present the third class for black pines on the fourth Wednesday, March 27, 2002. The class will be on styling.

Boon Manakitiviipart will be presenting a lecture/demo at our next meeting, April 10, 2002. He will present a workshop limited to eight members on April 11, 2002.

The Garden Council report was given by Charlotte Cranberg. Volunteers should sign up for the Zilker Garden Festival, April 12th and 13th. Keep track of your hours and give them to Charlotte.

The program for the evening was introduced by Gloria. Terry Ward conducted the second part of his program on group planting. Members brought material to actually make a group planting with assistance from Terry, Chuck and Mike.

The meeting was adjourned by President Candy Hansen at 9:15 P. M.

Board Meeting Minutes

David Gordon

The March Board Meeting for the Austin Bonsai Society was called to order by Vice-president Gloria Norberg on March 20, 2002, at 7:00 P. M.  Members present were Gloria Norberg, Jim Baumann, Pat Ware, Carl Quisenberry, David Gordon, Tammy Bieri and past president Alisan Clarke.

The board thanks Audrey Lanier for bringing the beautiful trees for the formal display for the last two meetings, and also the beautiful maple tree she brought to the last meeting. The board also thanks Elaine White for the beautiful crabapple she brought for the refreshment table. Also, Elaine has helped with several other "volunteer" duties that the board appreciates greatly!

The board also thanks Terry Ward for the excellent program he presented on group plantings. It provided a wonderful opportunity for members to learn about group plantings including a "hands-on" experience.

The minutes from the previous board meeting were approved as written in the newsletter.

The treasurer's report was given by Pat Ware. We currently have 45 paid members for this year. The CD the club has that recently matured was rolled over into our money market account.

The annual show will be discussed at the next meeting and Jim Baumann and Del De Los Santos were requested to be at the meeting to discuss the show.

The format for the newsletter was discussed and some changes were suggested.

The formal display was discussed. We will take a picture of the display to include in the newsletter along with a description of the tree. Members will be encouraged to notify David Gordon when they have a tree they would like to bring for the formal display. The board wants to encourage everyone to think about bringing a tree to display. We can provide a stand and accent plant if necessary.

Meeting was adjourned by Vice-president Gloria Norberg at 8:20 P. M.

The butterfly
Even when pursued,
Never appears in a hurry.

Gloria Norberg requests:

All members who drink coffee
Please save the lids from your 3 lb.  coffee cans! Cans are not needed,

BE THERE!!!!!!

WHEN: APRIL 10, 2002
TIME: 5:00 PM

The restaurant is located on the northbound access road next to Mopac,. Get off at the Rollingwood, Zilker Park, exit and go north a few hundred feet.  It is on the right hand side. Everyone pays for their own meal.  They have a large menu, besides steaks.

Sign Up at the
or send your
Check payable to ABS
to the Treasurer
only 3 spots left
$35. 00
Bring your own tree
with visiting artist,
Boon Manakitivipart on
April 11, 2002

Boon Manakitivipart

 Boon's start in bonsai was the result of a birthday gift of a small juniper bonsai. Before long, he joined the Bonsai Society of San Francisco, the club through which he took his first beginner class in the spring of 1989. Anxious to learn as much as possible about bonsai, Boon studied with as many teacher as he could find in California.

 Serious study began when he hosted Akio Kondo, Kihachiro Kamiya's first apprentice. Mr.  Kondo arrived as what the Japanese call a first-year professional, and he stayed at Boon's home for one year.

 In 1993, the Golden State Bonsai Federation awarded Boon a Teacher Development Scholarship; two years later, he received the Ben Oki International Design Award for styling a Sierra juniper.

 In 1995, Boon received several informal offers to study bonsai in Japan. Several months later, he traveled to Tokai En, Toyohasi, Japan, where he studied bonsai as a formal apprentice with the Kokufu-prize-winning Yasuo Mitsuya.

 No longer an apprentice, Boon still returns every year to Japan for prolonged work periods in the famous bonsai garden Tokai En.

 In 1998, Boon founded and became the teacher of Bay Island Bonsai.  He also stared his service and styling company, Bonsai Boon. In April 2000, Boon won the Grand Prize in the Kindai Bonsai Styling Contest in Japan (sponsored by Kindai Bonsai Magazine). All contestants had to style a large Japanese white pine. Boon was the only non-Japanese in the top ten. Today, Boon makes his living as a full-time bonsai artist in Northern California. He styles client trees, lectures, puts on demonstrations, holds workshops, and finds sources for customers' show-quality bonsai.

Reprinted from website: www. bonsaiboon. com

Editor's Note: Boon conducted a workshop for our club in July of 2000, which was very well received and why he was asked to return. If you had taken that workshop, it would be an idea to bring the tree back to have it refined.

April Study Group

 This month we are going to grasp a deeper understanding of the deciduous tree. They all have different personalities and we will try to look at what makes them unique.

 The first thing to consider will be the light requirements. Then we will consider the soil as it relates to the tree and in the container.

Early spring pruning is important and this is particularly so with flowering trees.

 So bring your trees, with or without problems, and learn how all this relates to your tree.

More Art

Lola Curtis

I believer the term art tends to spook most "non-artists". Art is often associated with the eccentric or the wealthy. Actually, if you think about it, we all start out as artists. Have you ever met a child that was totally uninterested in coloring, painting, working with Play-doh, etc. ?I haven't. Unfortunately, most of us give up art and finger paint at about the same time. We cease to make it an everyday part of our lives and it becomes unfamiliar.

 As we become less cozy with art we tend to venerate "artist" and deny our own innate artistic sense. As we are reminded, bonsai IS an art. So how can we rekindle OURSELVES as artists?One way is by spending time with art, become familiar with it again.

 All the visual arts (including bonsai) use proportion, balance, unity and harmony. The more you see these in any art, the more you will recognize them in the other arts. Can this help you design bonsai? You better believe it.

 I was attempting to design my first pine, doing a namby-pamby job, and was told to "draw what I saw in the tree".  I did. It clarified by thinking and gave me a goal. I had used one visual art to fine tune another.

I believe that looking at sketches, paintings and sculpture, in addition to other people's bonsai will help the artistic YOU!

Excerpted from Texas Bonsai, Summer 1992

Editor's Note: Keep this in mind and take the sketching workshop offered at the State Convention in November offered by our own Donna Dobberfuhl.

Encourage anyone you know that hasn't paid their dues as yet, to do so!
There is going to be a drawing at the May meeting for all paid members.
The :prize" will be a FREE Registration to the
State Bonsai Convention
 in November
Do not worry if you have already
registered, and win, you will still get the registration.

The Why, When, What, and How Much

By Butch Wilken

Part 2 of 2

Pruning Extent

 Pruning can be divided into mild, moderate, and severe. Mild pruning would include leaf pruning and bud pinching. Moderate pruning would include refinement pruning, selective, and structural pruning. Severe pruning would involve regeneration pruning.

Leaf pruning and bud pinching refines the growth of the tree, producing smaller leaves, shorter internodes, and twiggier, finer branches.

Moderate pruning is the selective removal of some branches that don't add to the refinement or structural design of the tree.

After years of leaf pruning, bud pinching, and refinement pruning, bonsai often lose their shape and character. They often become too coarse and unrefined with branches out of scale to the tree size. Regeneration pruning is needed to basically start branch development all over. On trees that bud back readily, all branches can be removed in late winter just before buds begin to swell and to open. The resultant vigorous growth begins the new branch development.

What Part To Prune

 The part of the tree pruned affects the tree response because growth regulators or hormones are present in trees. Young trees are trying to gain size rapidly and grow long, widely spaced branches with long internodes. This type of growth is referred to as apical growth and is stimulated by the growth hormone auxin. Apical refers to the top or apex of the tree and the ends of branches. Another group of growth regulators, cytokinins, do the opposite. They stimulate side branching and back budding with slower growth. Auxin is the dominant growth regulator. Therefore, if you want to promote more compact finer branching, shorter internodes, and smaller leaves, the effects of auxin must be reduced to allow cytokinins to express themselves. You accomplish this by pruning the areas where auxin is in the highest concentration---the apex and branch tips. This allows cytokinins to dominate until the new growth restores the auxin concentrations in the apex and branch tips. The overall growth of the tree is slowed down, but the growth is redistributed away from the apex and branch tips. This renews the vigor of the tree. The tree has the same volume of nutrient supply, but now has many more buds, branchlets, and growth points to nourish. Thus, smaller branches and leaves.

The Others

Evergreen trees and tropicals don't lose all their leaves at one time like deciduous trees. They do partially replace their needles and leaves during the growth cycle. They have different levels of dormancy than we see on deciduous trees. One sees a change in needle color in pines and junipers when they go into their dormancy. Tropicals' growth rate varies during the growth cycle, but they don't usually lose all their leaves at one time. They partially shed them at different times during the growth cycle. The same timing principles can be applied to these groups of trees during their growth cycles.


Pieter Loubser, Understanding Bonsai, 1993, Delta Publishing;

John Yoshio Naka, Bonsai Techniques 1, 1973, Dennis Landman Publishing;

Deborah Koreshoff, Bonsai, Its Art, Science, History, & Philosophy, 1984, Macmillan.

Editor's Note: This article was published in the February, 2002 issue of the Houston Bonsai Society's newsletter and the first part was in our March newsletter. Also, the 2nd & 3rd books in the bibliography are in our library.