Austin Bonsai Society
Austin Bonsai Society

A Living Art Form

Bonsai is a living art form, with each plant constantly changing under the hand of the artist. It is a painting never quite finished. In fact, it is a painting which can never be finished. Bonsai also change with the seasons, with each plant having its own unique attractiveness during each season. Miniature maples, tiny elms, delicate pines and junipers reflect both the seasons and the climates where they grow. Under our eyes, and in miniature form, we are privileged to watch the budding and leafing out of spring, followed by the flowers and fruit of summer, and the stark, yet beautiful, effect of bare branches against the winter sky.

Bonsai is an exciting adventure which cannot be adequately described to those who have not experienced it personally. Miniature trees and landscapes, carefully nurtured in the seemingly too small containers, return to us much more than they exact in the cost of creating and maintaining these plants, which soon become our “children.” Bonsai is an adventure in which you can participate with us.

The Austin Bonsai Society wants you and welcomes you!

Upcoming Event Highlights

* Monthly Club Meeting will be held on 2nd Wednesday of each month.  Visitors are always welcome!

** September 11, 2024
** Topic: Contorted filbert
** Artist: Julian Tsai (ABS/ LSBF)
** Time: Meeting starts at 7pm, greetings starts at 6:30pm
** Location: Zilker Garden Center

** September 17, 2024
** Board Meeting

** September 21, 2024
** Topic: Annual Auction
** Time: 9:30am (setup)  10:30am (auction)
** Volunteers need from 10am - noon on Friday (20th)
** Location: Anderson Mill Garden Center

** September 22, 2024
** Topic: Shohin Society Of Texas (SSOT)
** Time: 1pm
** Location: Spicewoods Springs Library

** Sep 10th 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
** History and presentation on Japanese scroll with John BorusheskiAndrew Robson - BYOT workshop (registration required)

** Monthly Member's Workshop usually held on 3rd Tuesday of each month but there are exceptions

** Stay tuned for more information

All meetings take place at Zilker Botanical Gardens

Please review the Calendar for a full listing of each meeting and member's workshop for the topic of the month. 

** Sep 10th 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm